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How to enable markup language tags for the espeak TTS Voice on your robot

guide TTS vigibot

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#1 firened


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Posté 13 juillet 2020 - 02:42

speech synthesis markup language (SSML) is mostly for making the TTS sing and make it sound silly in various ways. mostly for laughs.
to enable the espeak markup language, add:
"CMDTTS": "/usr/bin/espeak -v en -m -f /tmp/tts.txt --stdout | /usr/bin/aplay -D plughw:PLAYBACKDEVICE"
to your /boot/robot.json file. it should look like this:
"-v" for language: en, fr, de,..
"-m" to enable markup tags.
valid markup tags here: 
a chat message:
<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> lol
will say lol in a deep, slow voice.
normal pitch is "50".
normal rate is "1", double speed is "2".
see all these TTS related posts:
Amazon Alexa TTS
Google TTS
Enable espeak markup language
dectalk (moonbase Alpha) TTS

#2 firened


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Posté 13 juillet 2020 - 03:10

here a few fun phrases to make the TTS sing or otherwise mess with it.
because every TTS engine works differently, i will only list phrases that work well for the espeak TTS with enabled markup language.
add your own fun phrases for this TTS in the comments!
first some phrases for espeak without markup language:
Your Motercycle goes zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zolczk zooik zoooisk
here are more TTS phrases that you can use (the "/tts" is not necessary) :
and here phrases with enabled markup language:
<prosody pitch="0" rate="0">daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiikikikikikikikklklkllllklklllkoooolokolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah</prosody>
<voice gender="female">wowowowowowoowowowowowowowoowowowowowowowoowowowowowowowowowo
<prosody pitch="95" rate="0.8">dah</br>dah</br>dah</br><prosody pitch="80" rate="0.5">dah<prosody pitch="180" rate="2"></br>dah<prosody pitch="170" rate="0.5">dah</br>
one breath from my smoking π -<prosody pitch="80" rate="0">aaaaand<prosody pitch="120" rate="0">wowowow<prosody pitch="200" rate="0">wowowowow<prosody pitch="0" rate="0">wowowwowowowo <prosody pitch="200" rate="0">wowowowowo
<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> lol
<prosody pitch="200">lol
my motorbike's last moments sounded like <prosody pitch="0" rate="1.2"> oinkoinkoinkoinkoink<prosody pitch="0" rate="0.8"> oinkoinkoinkoinkoink<prosody pitch="0" rate="0.8"> oinkoinkoinkoinkoink<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> oinkoinkoinkoinkoink err
the rain goes <prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> plip<prosody pitch="200">plop<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> plip<prosody pitch="200">plop<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> plip<prosody pitch="200">plop<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> plip<prosody pitch="200">plop

<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> my <prosody pitch="200">rupteur <prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> is<prosody pitch="200">micro

<prosody pitch="200" rate="0.1"> can - <prosody pitch="100">you hear - the choppers sing: <prosody pitch="0" rate="30"> oinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoi

<prosody pitch="80">so - long - <prosody pitch="30">and thanks <prosody pitch="10"> for all the fish

<prosody pitch="0" rate="0"> ufhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfjfhfjfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfjfjfhfhhfhfufjfhfdhfhfhfhfhfhdhfhfhfhfhfjfjfjfjfffhfhfhfhhfjfhfhfhfhfhfjfjfhfhffhgu

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