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Raspberry on Vigibot

1 réponse à ce sujet

#1 mchimot


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Posté 31 octobre 2021 - 11:00


I've install the vigibot.img on my raspberry and added the bot on vigibot. But I don't see it.

How can I check on the raspberry console that it's already connected yo internet and to ?


Thanks a lot



#2 Mike118


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Posté 31 octobre 2021 - 02:10

Hello mchimot, 

I need more informations to help you : 
What is your nickname on vigibot ? 
What is your robot name ? 

Is it the first time you add a robot on vigibot ? 


99% of the time when a robot does not show up on vigibot the problem is either : 
=> The rapsberry pi is not connected to internet  = SSID / password of the wifi not well configured
=> The raspberry can't log on vigibot = The name / password of the robot is not well configured

Do you properly set up those two parameters in your sd card ? 


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