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#115910 Fix for a glitchy/laggy IMU

Posté par OdorousWo1f - 17 mai 2022 - 01:18

If your IMU is lagging/not updating on Vigibot, there's a likely solution to your issue. A laggy IMU will cause your robot to overshoot turns and fail to update to the latest data reported from the sensor.
SSH into your robot. You can find it's IP address by hovering over the robot icons on Vigibot.
Command line: ssh pi@IP_ADDRESS
Once in, edit your /boot/config.txt file
Command line: sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Press CTRL+W and type "i2c" and press enter. You should now be at the i2c settings of the config file.
Remove the "baudrate=" part. (bold should be removed)
It should now say:
CTRL+X, Press Y, and then press enter. This saves the file
Reboot your robot.
Command line: sudo reboot now
Wait for your robot to come back online, and move it around to see if your IMU doesn't lag. If it still lags, your issue may be hardware or loose wires.
Hope this helps anyone!