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speaker test and review thread

spaeker raspberry pi TTS vigibot

6 réponses à ce sujet

#1 firened


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Posté 30 août 2020 - 10:03

post your results here of all the speakers you've tested for a raspberry pi. 

simply post a photo or/and link, and say how good or bad the audio quality is. 

i find it difficult to find a small, easy to install speaker for my robots that has good audio quality so people understand the Text-To-Speech. but this thread is not limited to robots' TTS, and may be helpful for other applications too! 

so far i see these different methods of using a speaker on raspberry pi: 

  • 3.5mm speaker without amp (psa: usually too quiet) 
  • 3.5mm speaker with amp, maybe battery too 
  • a product with amplifier & speaker together 
  • separate amplifier & separate speaker 
  • bluetooth speaker, maybe with battery

#2 firened


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Posté 30 août 2020 - 10:35

groove speaker 

very small speaker. audio quality is very quiet, about the volume of small headphones, any louder causes significant clipping. maybe using a bigger speaker with this board could improve the volume.


X-mini brand speaker 

pretty large speaker. audio quality is great. volume can be adjusted precisely. that's my favorite speaker so far. 



hamburger speaker 

pretty large speaker. audio quality and volume is pretty good.



3.5mm plug speaker

pretty large speaker. audio quality and volume is okay. requires 2x AAA batteries with 5 days runtime or maybe dummy AAAs connected to 3.3V could work.


Modifié par firened, 30 août 2020 - 04:48 .

#3 firened


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Posté 30 août 2020 - 04:59

smartphone speaker without amplifier

way too quiet.



filterless PAM8403 with plastic 0.25W speaker

sounds very bad. it probably sounds bad because of the crappy plastic speaker. other people had success with the PAM8403 module.


#4 Mike118


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Posté 30 août 2020 - 11:35

One well working solution : 

Speaker : https://www.robot-ma...leur-d-421.html

Combined with amplifier : https://www.robot-ma...dio-5v-420.html


Use the 5V GND from the pi to power the amplifier board on the 5V + - 
Connect  a jack connector to the L Neutre R pads.
Connect speaker(s) to the L and / or R Out pads.

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#5 firened


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Posté 04 octobre 2020 - 10:21

bluetooth speakers

unfortunately I can't configure the bluetooth speakers correctly on rasbian. it's a shame as they are the perfect size with loud volume for a minus sized robot. 

there are different audio profiles when using bluetooth devices. "SCO" is low quality voice which makes it hard to understand the TTS, unfortunately i haven't figured out how to switch to the "A2DP" high quality profile. if anyone has success, let me know. 

for future reference: after pairing, the audio output inside CMDTTS can be set like this:

mpg123 -a bluealsa:DEV=46:99:9A:36:18:65,PROFILE=sco /tmp/tts_1.mp3

it also cuts off the start of audio when waking the speakers from sleep, i do not know whether that would still happen with A2DP or not. 


#6 firened


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Posté 16 novembre 2020 - 03:35

PAM8302 amplifier and 3W rectangular speaker

this combination yields an impressive result! i really like the strong, well understandable sound this speaker creates. i use a FET connected to a GPIO to turn off power the PAM amplifier completely, as it does create some quiet static noise.


(i used a single channel PAM amplifier, but the double channel should give the same result https://www.robot-ma...dio-5v-420.html )



PAM8302 amplifier and cheap white flat speaker

this combination sounds ok, but the cheap speaker has high trebble and low bass, making the overall sound quality less appealing. i use a FET connected to a GPIO to turn off power the PAM amplifier completely, as it does create some quiet static noise.

(i used a single channel PAM amplifier, but the double channel should give the same result https://www.robot-ma...dio-5v-420.html )


#7 firened


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Posté 16 novembre 2020 - 03:43

X-mini brand speaker on a usb sound card

pretty large speaker. audio quality is great. volume can be adjusted precisely. the usb sound card causes a 'click' at the end of each playback. i assume it must be software related as i tried 2 different usb sound cards, but it's only a small annoyance.


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