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Messages que j'ai postés

Dans le sujet : Photos

15 mai 2021 - 10:41

Voici qq photos des miens 😋

Dans le sujet : Vigibot Pi arduino Serial Communication Example

07 mai 2021 - 10:25



I finished my code with the help of Mike118 and Firened ! Thank you so much

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>

int pwmChannel = 0; //Choisit le canal 0
int frequence = 50; //Fréquence PWM de 5 KHz
int resolution = 16; //Résolution de 16 bits, 65535 valeurs possibles
int pwmPin = 13;
int MaxRev = 8192;// duty cycle pour avancer fond
int MaxFor = 1638;// duty cycle pour reculer a fond

const char* ssid = "My Wifi";
const char* pass = "My Pass";
// Set your Static IP address
IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, 0, 61);
// Set your Gateway IP address
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 0, 254);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

// Meta Type :

typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      int16_t x;
      int16_t y;
    int16_t coordonnees[2];
    uint8_t bytes[4];
} Point;

typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      int8_t x;
      int8_t y;
      int8_t z;
    uint8_t bytes[3];
} Vitesses;


//#define PISERIAL Serial
#define FAILSAFE 250 // ms

// TTS

uint8_t ttsBuffer[TTSBUFFERSIZE];
uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0;

// TX


typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t sync[4];               // 4
      Point positions[NBPOSITIONS];  // NBPOSITIONS * 4
      uint16_t val16[2];             // 2 * 2
      uint8_t choixCameras;          // 1
      Vitesses vitesses;             // 3
      uint8_t interrupteurs;         // 1
      uint8_t val8[4];               // 4

    uint8_t bytes[TXFRAMESIZE];
} TrameTx;

// RX


typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {                       // Sizes
      uint8_t sync[4];              // 4
      Point positions[NBPOSITIONS]; // NBPOSITIONS * 4      
      uint8_t choixCameras;         // 1
      Vitesses vitesses;            // 3
      uint8_t interrupteurs;        // 1

    uint8_t bytes[RXFRAMESIZE];
} TrameRx;

TrameTx trameTx;
TrameRx trameRx;

uint32_t lastTrameTimestamp = millis();
uint32_t lastSleepBeacon;

WiFiServer server(7070);  //ESP server port
WiFiClient client;

void setup()
  ledcSetup(pwmChannel, frequence, resolution);
  ledcAttachPin(pwmPin, pwmChannel);
  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
  while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connection Failed! Rebooting...");    delay(5000);


  Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

  // add all your init here

void loop() {
  while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("WLAN Connection Failed! reconnecting...");
    WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

  if (readPiSerial()) {
    // each time we receive a full trame run repeatedly:
    // use values inside trameRx to tell your robot how to move ...
    // trameRx.vitesses.x , trameRx.vitesses.y, trameRx.vitesses.z
    // trameRx.positions[i].x trameRx.positions[i].y  etc....


    lastTrameTimestamp = millis();
  if ( millis() - lastTrameTimestamp > FAILSAFE ) {
    if ((millis() - lastSleepBeacon > 10000) ) { // every 10 seconds
      writePiSerial();                        // Beacon to say that the robot is alive
      lastSleepBeacon = millis();
    // Stop the robot in case the robot lost connection with the Pi
    ledcWrite(pwmChannel, 0); //stop the train

  } else {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    // avoid abstacle, run speed ...
    // mixage pour obtenir les vitesses moteurs
    int speed = map(trameRx.vitesses.y, -128, 128, MaxFor, MaxRev); // 128 recu par vigibot
    ledcWrite(pwmChannel, speed); //envoyer la consigne vitesse au moteur via la lib

bool readPiSerial() {
  uint8_t current;
  static uint8_t lastType = 0;
  static uint8_t n = 0;
  static uint8_t frame[RXFRAMESIZE];
  static byte lastClientState = 0;
  if (client.connected()) {
    if (!lastClientState) {
      lastClientState = 1;
      Serial.println("New Client.");
    while (client.available()) {
      current =;
      //Serial.write(current); //debug

      switch (n) {

        case 0:
          if (current == '$')
            n = 1;

        case 1:
          if (current != 'T' && lastType == 'T')

          if (current == 'S' || current == 'T') {
            lastType = current;
            n = 2;
          } else
            n = 0;

          frame[n++] = current;

          if (n == RXFRAMESIZE) {

            if (lastType == 'T') {

              for (uint8_t i = 4; i < RXFRAMESIZE; i++) // Do not send the 4 sync data in tts

            } else if (lastType == 'S') {

              for (uint8_t p = 0; p < RXFRAMESIZE; p++)
                trameRx.bytes[p] = frame[p];

            n = 0;
            return true;
  } else { //if current client is not actively connected anymore, disconnect and wait for new client
    if (lastClientState) {
      lastClientState = 0;
      // close the connection:
      Serial.println("Client Disconnected.");
    client = server.available();   // listen for incoming clients
  return false;

void writePiSerial() {
  // Header, do not modify
  trameTx.sync[0] = '$';
  trameTx.sync[1] = 'R';
  trameTx.sync[2] = ' ';
  trameTx.sync[3] = ' ';

  // modify the feedback according your need. By default we copy the trameRx content ...
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NBPOSITIONS; i++) {
    trameTx.positions[i].x = trameRx.positions[i].x;
    trameTx.positions[i].y = trameRx.positions[i].y;
  trameTx.val16[0] = 0;   // Voltage (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val16[1] = 0;   // Percent (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.choixCameras = trameRx.choixCameras;
  trameTx.vitesses.x = trameRx.vitesses.x;
  trameTx.vitesses.y = trameRx.vitesses.y;
  trameTx.vitesses.z = trameRx.vitesses.z;
  trameTx.interrupteurs = trameRx.interrupteurs;
  trameTx.val8[0] = 0;   // CPU load (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[1] = 0;   // Soc temp (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[2] = 0;   // link (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[3] = 0;   // RSSI (will be updated by Raspberry pi)

  for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < TXFRAMESIZE; i++)

void displayTtsBuffer (uint8_t * ttsBuffer, uint8_t bufferSize) {
  // you can modify this function to display text on a screen depending on your hardware...
  for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {

void writeTtsBuffer( uint8_t ttsChar) {
  static uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0;
  if ( ttsCurseur < TTSBUFFERSIZE && ttsChar != '\n') {
    ttsBuffer[ttsCurseur] = ttsChar;
    ttsCurseur ++;
  if ( ttsCurseur == TTSBUFFERSIZE || ttsChar == '\n') {
    displayTtsBuffer (ttsBuffer, ttsCurseur);
    ttsCurseur = 0;

Dans le sujet : Vigibot Pi arduino Serial Communication Example

05 mai 2021 - 01:15

Hello everyone ! 


Je vais Vigiboter mon train légo. Pour ce faire, j'utilise un ESP32. 


J'ai donc repris le code d'exemple de @Mike118 que j'ai adapté :

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include "esp32-hal-ledc.h"

const char* ssid = "ssid";
const char* pass = "mdp";
// Set your Static IP address
IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, 0, 61);
// Set your Gateway IP address
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 0, 254);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

// Meta Type :

typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      int16_t x;
      int16_t y;
    int16_t coordonnees[2];
    uint8_t bytes[4];
} Point;

typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      int8_t x;
      int8_t y;
      int8_t z;
    uint8_t bytes[3];
} Vitesses;


//#define PISERIAL Serial
#define FAILSAFE 250 // ms

#define MAX_SPEED              1275 // max motor speed
#define SPEED_RANGE            256 //

// TTS

uint8_t ttsBuffer[TTSBUFFERSIZE];
uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0;

// TX


typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t sync[4];               // 4
      Point positions[NBPOSITIONS];  // NBPOSITIONS * 4
      uint16_t val16[2];             // 2 * 2
      uint8_t choixCameras;          // 1
      Vitesses vitesses;             // 3
      uint8_t interrupteurs;         // 1
      uint8_t val8[4];               // 4

    uint8_t bytes[TXFRAMESIZE];
} TrameTx;

// RX


typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {                       // Sizes
      uint8_t sync[4];              // 4
      Point positions[NBPOSITIONS]; // NBPOSITIONS * 4      
      uint8_t choixCameras;         // 1
      Vitesses vitesses;            // 3
      uint8_t interrupteurs;        // 1

    uint8_t bytes[RXFRAMESIZE];
} TrameRx;

TrameTx trameTx;
TrameRx trameRx;

uint32_t lastTrameTimestamp = millis();
uint32_t lastSleepBeacon;

WiFiServer server(7070);  //ESP server port
WiFiClient client;

void setup()
  ledcSetup(1, 50, 16); // channel 1, 50 Hz, 16-bit width
  ledcAttachPin(13, 1);   // GPIO 13 assigned to channel 1

  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
  while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connection Failed! Rebooting...");    delay(5000);


  Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

  // add all your init here

void loop() {
  while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("WLAN Connection Failed! reconnecting...");
    WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

  if (readPiSerial()) {
    // each time we receive a full trame run repeatedly:
    // use values inside trameRx to tell your robot how to move ...
    // trameRx.vitesses.x , trameRx.vitesses.y, trameRx.vitesses.z
    // trameRx.positions[i].x trameRx.positions[i].y  etc....


    lastTrameTimestamp = millis();
  if ( millis() - lastTrameTimestamp > FAILSAFE ) {
    if ((millis() - lastSleepBeacon > 10000) ) { // every 10 seconds
      writePiSerial();                        // Beacon to say that the robot is alive
      lastSleepBeacon = millis();
    // Stop the robot in case the robot lost connection with the Pi
    ledcWrite(1, 0); //stop the train

  } else {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    // avoid abstacle, run speed ...
    int speed;
    // mixage pour obtenir les vitesses moteurs
    speed = (trameRx.vitesses.y * MAX_SPEED / SPEED_RANGE) - (trameRx.vitesses.z * MAX_SPEED / SPEED_RANGE);

    // Saturation des vitesse
    speed = min(max(speed, -MAX_SPEED), MAX_SPEED);

    ledcWrite(1, speed);

bool readPiSerial() {
  uint8_t current;
  static uint8_t lastType = 0;
  static uint8_t n = 0;
  static uint8_t frame[RXFRAMESIZE];
  static byte lastClientState = 0;
  if (client.connected()) {
    if (!lastClientState) {
      lastClientState = 1;
      Serial.println("New Client.");
    while (client.available()) {
      current =;
      //Serial.write(current); //debug

      switch (n) {

        case 0:
          if (current == '$')
            n = 1;

        case 1:
          if (current != 'T' && lastType == 'T')

          if (current == 'S' || current == 'T') {
            lastType = current;
            n = 2;
          } else
            n = 0;

          frame[n++] = current;

          if (n == RXFRAMESIZE) {

            if (lastType == 'T') {

              for (uint8_t i = 4; i < RXFRAMESIZE; i++) // Do not send the 4 sync data in tts

            } else if (lastType == 'S') {

              for (uint8_t p = 0; p < RXFRAMESIZE; p++)
                trameRx.bytes[p] = frame[p];

            n = 0;
            return true;
  } else { //if current client is not actively connected anymore, disconnect and wait for new client
    if (lastClientState) {
      lastClientState = 0;
      // close the connection:
      Serial.println("Client Disconnected.");
    client = server.available();   // listen for incoming clients
  return false;

void writePiSerial() {
  // Header, do not modify
  trameTx.sync[0] = '$';
  trameTx.sync[1] = 'R';
  trameTx.sync[2] = ' ';
  trameTx.sync[3] = ' ';

  // modify the feedback according your need. By default we copy the trameRx content ...
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NBPOSITIONS; i++) {
    trameTx.positions[i].x = trameRx.positions[i].x;
    trameTx.positions[i].y = trameRx.positions[i].y;
  trameTx.val16[0] = 0;   // Voltage (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val16[1] = 0;   // Percent (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.choixCameras = trameRx.choixCameras;
  trameTx.vitesses.x = trameRx.vitesses.x;
  trameTx.vitesses.y = trameRx.vitesses.y;
  trameTx.vitesses.z = trameRx.vitesses.z;
  trameTx.interrupteurs = trameRx.interrupteurs;
  trameTx.val8[0] = 0;   // CPU load (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[1] = 0;   // Soc temp (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[2] = 0;   // link (will be updated by Raspberry pi)
  trameTx.val8[3] = 0;   // RSSI (will be updated by Raspberry pi)

  for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < TXFRAMESIZE; i++)

void displayTtsBuffer (uint8_t * ttsBuffer, uint8_t bufferSize) {
  // you can modify this function to display text on a screen depending on your hardware...
  for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {

void writeTtsBuffer( uint8_t ttsChar) {
  static uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0;
  if ( ttsCurseur < TTSBUFFERSIZE && ttsChar != '\n') {
    ttsBuffer[ttsCurseur] = ttsChar;
    ttsCurseur ++;
  if ( ttsCurseur == TTSBUFFERSIZE || ttsChar == '\n') {
    displayTtsBuffer (ttsBuffer, ttsCurseur);
    ttsCurseur = 0;

Ca fonctionne parfaitement sauf que quand j'accélère sur Vigibot ca n'avance pas comme je veux vu que les math n'ont pas été faites.


Je parle de :

#define MAX_SPEED              1275 // max motor speed
#define SPEED_RANGE            256 //

ou/et de :

ledcSetup(1, 50, 16); // channel 1, 50 Hz, 16-bit width

en sachant que vigibot envoi les consignes moteurs en 8 bit .. 


Je n'ai pas encore le niveau pour améliorer comme je veux ce genre de réglage PWM Hertz etc..


Le calcul reste le meme que pour Zumo.


Merci de votre aide !



Dans le sujet : BigWheels, le robot tout terrain piloté par

29 juillet 2020 - 11:18

Hello les makers x)



Un petit message pour vous dire que le sujet est toujours d'actualité ! J'attend le pack de batterie 18650 je vais faire un 4S3P  :Koshechka_08:


Dessus normalement il y aura une synthèse vocal ainsi qu'un GPS (tout visible sur!)


Voila  :thank_you:



Dans le sujet : Photos

20 juillet 2020 - 11:33

Lardon :