this is a code for use stepper motor on vigibot using an Arduino and AccelStepper library.
I use a A4988 stepper motor driver., two wire is needed between driver and Arduino ( Step & Dir).
/* * Vigibot Pi to Arduino Uart default remote configuration example by Mike118 */ #include <AccelStepper.h> // Meta Type : typedef struct { union { struct { int16_t x; int16_t y; }; int16_t coordonnees[2]; uint8_t bytes[4]; }; } Point; typedef struct { union { struct { int8_t x; int8_t y; int8_t z; }; uint8_t bytes[3]; }; } Vitesses; // CONFIG #define PISERIAL Serial #define NBPOSITIONS 2 #define FAILSAFE 250 // ms // TTS #define TTSBUFFERSIZE 255 uint8_t ttsBuffer[TTSBUFFERSIZE]; uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0; // TX #define TXFRAMESIZE (NBPOSITIONS * 4 + 17) typedef struct { union { struct { uint8_t sync[4]; // 4 Point positions[NBPOSITIONS]; // NBPOSITIONS * 4 uint16_t val16[2]; // 2 * 2 uint8_t choixCameras; // 1 Vitesses vitesses; // 3 uint8_t interrupteurs; // 1 uint8_t val8[4]; // 4 }; uint8_t bytes[TXFRAMESIZE]; }; } TrameTx; // RX #define RXFRAMESIZE (NBPOSITIONS * 4 + 9) typedef struct { union { struct { // Sizes uint8_t sync[4]; // 4 Point positions[NBPOSITIONS]; // NBPOSITIONS * 4 uint8_t choixCameras; // 1 Vitesses vitesses; // 3 uint8_t interrupteurs; // 1 }; uint8_t bytes[RXFRAMESIZE]; }; } TrameRx; TrameTx trameTx; TrameRx trameRx; uint32_t lastTrameTimestamp = millis(); AccelStepper Xaxis(1, 2, 6); AccelStepper Yaxis(1, 4, 7); void setup() { PISERIAL.begin(115200); // add all your init here Xaxis.setMaxSpeed(400); Yaxis.setMaxSpeed(400); Xaxis.setSpeed(0); Yaxis.setSpeed(0); } void loop() { if(readPiSerial()) { // each time we receive a full trame run repeatedly: // use values inside trameRx to tell your robot how to move ... // trameRx.vitesses.x , trameRx.vitesses.y, trameRx.vitesses.z // trameRx.positions[i].x trameRx.positions[i].y etc.... writePiSerial(); lastTrameTimestamp = millis(); updateSteppers(); } if( millis() - lastTrameTimestamp > FAILSAFE ) { // Stop the robot in case the robot lost connection with the Pi stopSteppers(); } else { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: // avoid abstacle, run speed ... runSteppers(); } } bool readPiSerial() { uint8_t current; static uint8_t lastType = 0; static uint8_t n = 0; static uint8_t frame[RXFRAMESIZE]; while(PISERIAL.available()) { current = PISERIAL.read(); switch(n) { case 0: if(current == '$') n = 1; break; case 1: if(current != 'T' && lastType == 'T') writeTtsBuffer('\0'); if(current == 'S' || current == 'T') { lastType = current; n = 2; } else n = 0; break; default: frame[n++] = current; if(n == RXFRAMESIZE) { if(lastType == 'T') { for(uint8_t i = 4; i < RXFRAMESIZE; i++) // Do not send the 4 sync data in tts writeTtsBuffer(frame[i]); } else if(lastType == 'S') { for(uint8_t p = 0; p < RXFRAMESIZE; p++) trameRx.bytes[p] = frame[p]; } n = 0; return true; } } } return false; } void writePiSerial() { // Header, do not modify trameTx.sync[0] = '$'; trameTx.sync[1] = 'R'; trameTx.sync[2] = ' '; trameTx.sync[3] = ' '; // modify the feedback according your need. By default we copy the trameRx content ... for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NBPOSITIONS; i++) { trameTx.positions[i].x = trameRx.positions[i].x; trameTx.positions[i].y = trameRx.positions[i].y; } trameTx.val16[0] = 0; // Voltage (will be updated by Raspberry pi) trameTx.val16[1] = 0; // Percent (will be updated by Raspberry pi) trameTx.choixCameras = trameRx.choixCameras; trameTx.vitesses.x = trameRx.vitesses.x; trameTx.vitesses.y = trameRx.vitesses.y; trameTx.vitesses.z = trameRx.vitesses.z; trameTx.interrupteurs = trameRx.interrupteurs; trameTx.val8[0] = 0; // CPU load (will be updated by Raspberry pi) trameTx.val8[1] = 0; // Soc temp (will be updated by Raspberry pi) trameTx.val8[2] = 0; // link (will be updated by Raspberry pi) trameTx.val8[3] = 0; // RSSI (will be updated by Raspberry pi) for( uint8_t i = 0; i < TXFRAMESIZE; i++) PISERIAL.write(trameTx.bytes[i]); } void displayTtsBuffer (uint8_t * ttsBuffer, uint8_t bufferSize) { // you can modify this function to display text on a screen depending on your hardware... for( uint8_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) Serial.write(ttsBuffer[i]); Serial.println(""); } void writeTtsBuffer( uint8_t ttsChar) { static uint8_t ttsCurseur = 0; if( ttsCurseur < TTSBUFFERSIZE && ttsChar != '\0') { ttsBuffer[ttsCurseur] = ttsChar; ttsCurseur ++; } if( ttsCurseur == TTSBUFFERSIZE || ttsChar == '\0') { displayTtsBuffer (ttsBuffer, ttsCurseur); ttsCurseur = 0; } } void stopSteppers() { Xaxis.setSpeed(0); Yaxis.setSpeed(0); runSteppers(); } void runSteppers() { Xaxis.runSpeed(); Yaxis.runSpeed(); } void updateSteppers() { Xaxis.setSpeed(trameTx.positions[0].x); Yaxis.setSpeed(trameTx.positions[0].y); }